Escape by Carla Corrales
I have another single element project! I explored the Dribbble shot Escape by Carla Corrales.
See the Pen Escape by Carla Corrales by Katy DeCorah (@katydecorah) on CodePen.
The main element, .marker
, is the map marker shape. The :before
is the inner
circles and the :after
is the dial.
I created the marker shape by using a border-radius: 100% 100% 0;
. Then I
rotated the element 45 degrees, making it sit on its point. I used a linear
gradient for the two-toned look of the background.
I used the :before
element for the inner background. I created the inner rings
by using two gradients, linear and radial. Initially I used inset box-shadow
to create the rings, but I lost a section of the two-toned background. Layering
the radial gradient on top of the linear gradient worked better in this case and
gave me a reason to tinker with gradients.
Below is a demonstration of the linear and radial gradients coming together.
I used the :after
element for the dial. First, I created a rectangle using
. I used border because the dial is four-toned and I can set each border
side to a different color. Next, I skewed and rotated the element. I skewed it
until I squashed the height and elongated the width.
The results were… dial-shaped!
This baby is scalable.
Open it up in CodePen and change the
(Easter egg: try a number less than 5em
One last thing, did you give it a hover yet? Scroll back up there and do it. Yes, I am bossing you.
Updated 01/18/2014
I wanted to give this Pen a little more pizazz by making the dial spin and then
spin again on hover. To make this happen, I needed to trade in my transition
for animation
, but more importantly, I needed to learn more about
. I had never thought to use this property until I read
Lea Verou’s,
Smooth state animations with animation-play-state.
Starting out, I added the animation
to .marker:after
and I added
to .marker:hover:after
. I wanted the animation to play
and then play again on :hover
. After trying out all the values and
combinations of values, I finally began to understand this property. I like to
think about animation-play-state
like watching a movie and the remote is my
animation-play-state: running;
For my first try, I used the value running
. Nothing happened. The animation
was already running and then on :hover
, I asked it to run again.
If I’m watching a movie and press play then my action won’t be productive.
animation-play-state: paused;
Next, I tried the alternate value, paused
. It kind of worked. The animation
didn’t play when I was hovering, but it played once I hovered off of the target.
If I’m watching a movie and I press pause, the movie will pause. I’m guessing
that the animation restarted because it triggered the original animation
to run again. (I need to look into this.)
animation-play-state: paused, running;
A little confused with my earlier tries, I checked out
read that both values can be used, which led me to try paused, running
. This
value worked great! The dial spun on :hover
I was watching a movie, I paused it and then played it again.
This example might be a little stilted; I definitely plan on exploring