Optical illusions
I gave a few optical illusions a try to flex my Sass skills. You can find the source file for each illusion in the JS tab.
Optical illusion I
See the Pen Optical Illusion by Katy DeCorah (@katydecorah) on CodePen
In Haml, I spun out a list with 200 items. I put a width on the entire list of
and hid the overflow on the body. I wanted to make sure that each row
stayed in a row, but was wide enough to stretch across the browser. This came in
handy when shifting the rows to create the illusion.
I styled each list item the same, 5em
square with a gray border-top. This
makes 20 items in each row. Every even list item has a background of black.
Next I had to shift every other row to create the optical illusion. Knowing I
have 20 items in each row, I knew the range for each row (the first 1-20, the
second 21-40 and so on). I wrote a @while
loop to build a nth-child range and
to increment to every other row.
Optical illusion II
See the Pen Optical Illusion II by Katy DeCorah (@katydecorah) on CodePen
Like the pen before, I used Haml to spin out over 300 list items. Each list item was styled the same. I added a width to the list to keep the rows from overlapping at smaller browser widths.
I created a @while
loop for each row. With 24 items in each row, after each
row I increased the variable $z by 24.
The illusion creates three columns that are created by the narrowing of the list
items. To define each pseudo column, I adjusted the first three and last three
items. I wrote a @while
loop to target the first and last three items in each
pseudo column. I defined variables for where each pseudo column begins and ends.
The loop incrementally adjusts the width and margin-left. The loop runs a total
of three times to account for the first and last three items in each pseudo
column. The loop also swaps the border-color for the center pseudo column.
Then I applied a clear on the first item in each row to be sure my rows stay rows.
Optical illusion III
See the Pen Optical Illusion III by Katy DeCorah (@katydecorah) on CodePen
As before, I spun out 500 list items in Haml. I styled each item the same. All items have a ::before pseudo element that draws the circle. I absolutely positioned the circle to fit between each square.
I gave the list margin: 0 -1em;
and hid the overflow on the body. I wanted the
illusion to completely fill the page.
Super simple to style and makes you want to barf after a few minutes. A success!(?)