Two years ago on CodePen
• August 26, 2014
Two years ago on CodePen I was picked for the first time ever.
I know this because I found a screenshot on my computer a few days ago:

I took the screenshot at the time because I was shocked. Total double take. Nobody had seen something I made like this before. I was just messing around. Maybe I should delete it, it’s not finished. People are seeing. People will see. Hot sweat. Cold sweat. Do something.
I finished it.
See the Pen dropbox! by Katy DeCorah (@katydecorah) on CodePen.
After two years of getting better at CSS, learning Sass and Haml, and starting this site to write about my code, I’m so glad that I finished that little Dropbox pen.
Thank you CodePen and thank you to anyone who has ever hearted or viewed one of my pens!