Heroes Queue by Antonas Deduchovas

code • December 6, 2013

I love trying to find different ways to get a job done. Especially when it means using a certain piece of technology in an unexpected way. Maybe the job is silly, but it’s the problem solving that I really, truly dig.

See the Pen Heroes Queue by Antonas Deduchovas by Katy DeCorah (@katydecorah) on CodePen

At first glance, I knew I wanted to somehow play around with the Dribbble shot Heroes Queue by Antonas Deduchovas and I was definitely thinking single element for each character, but with tons of box-shadow. But, I also knew that I didn’t want to do the grunt work. So I opened up a spreadsheet in Google Drive.

Google spreadsheets to the rescue

In a new spreadsheet, I resized the rows and columns to 25 and turned word text off. Now I had a grid, unscathed by lengthy text. I opened the shot in Photoshop and added a grid to closely match each bit of the image.

Format > Conditional formatting

Before this project, I had known about a cool feature in Google Spreadsheets, conditional formatting. You can set conditions in the spreadsheet to style a cell based on a string or digit. When the condition is matched, then the background color or font color of that cell will change according to your rule.

Conditional Formatting

Variables as conditions

I set up my color variables as conditional formatting. For example, in any cell that had $bg, the condition called for that cell to be the background color I selected. I added more rules for other variables such as $red, $face, and $shirt. This step isn’t necessary, but it improves the experience.

Writing out the characters

With one eye in Photoshop and another in Google Drive, I started typing my variables into the spreadsheet. As I entered a variable that matched a condition, the background instantly changed. It only took a few minutes to assign a color variable to each cell. Plus, spreadsheets allow for mass select and paste, it was a snap.

I ended up creating each character on a 26×26 grid or in spreadsheet terms A1:Z26. This grid size came in handy later when concocting the formula.


You might notice that I didn’t need to include $bg. I could have left those cells blank, because in the end I’m just going to ignore those cells because the body background can make up for it. I’m a visual person, so putting those values in worked for me.


Once I had the character ready, it was time for formula magic to output my box-shadow values.

=ArrayFormula(if(A1:Z26<>"$bg","("&column(A1:Z1) -1 &" * $width) (" & ROW(A1:Z26) -1  &" * $width) 0 0 "&A1:Z26&",",""))

I entered this formula in the first cell after the last column, AA:1. This formula went through A1:Z26 and transposed all the cell data, but I carefully defined the output so that each cell declares its own box-shadow value.

The formula does the following:

Initially, I had used static values, for example: 9em 0em 0 $red,, but that meant I couldn’t scale the character because this was based on 1em. Instead, I made the values relative: (9 * $width) (0 * $width) 0 $red,. Now whenever I adjust the $width the character will stay in perfect proportion.

Gimme all the box-shadows

Once I entered the formula into cell AA:1, the character was automatically transposed into box-shadow values. From there I selected all AA1:AZ26 cells, copied, and pasted as the value of box-shadow: into my CSS. And done!

Feel free to check out the spreadsheet that I used to create these characters.

(I highlighted AA1 to show that that cell holds the formula.)

Batman with values

When I pasted the code it had some undesirable spaces and returns, but I quickly regex replaced that sucker into a dreamy column.

Batman Straight Values

Phat code

This code is heavy. So heavy. I know it’s irresponsible for every day wear, but it’s fun and this is one of my favorite ways to learn new things. I spend my work days creating web-based trainings that must be pristine in IE7. For that reason, I crave projects that push boundaries.


I tried to get the same animation in the Dribbble shot with the characters bouncing up and down. Unfortunately, the animation didn’t take too kindly to all the values. It rendered a trippy, slapping of box-shadows, that was sure to melt a computer into liquid, Alex Mack style. I settled with a hover, so did you hover?

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