Simple box

code • December 4, 2013

The .box is a single element. I used the transform property and pseudo elements to achieve the result.

See the Pen Simple Box by Katy DeCorah (@katydecorah) on CodePen

The main element is the top of the box. Initially, I made the main element the left side of the box. I think that was knee-jerk reaction for wanting to move left to right. But, styling this box is much easier when the main element is the top. The top will serve as an important reference point for the remaining sides of the box.

I started by drawing out a square and then rotating it 45 degrees and skewing it -15 degrees.

I added an animation in the example below to show the transform values used in creating the box top.

See the Pen Simple Box, 1 by Katy DeCorah (@katydecorah) on CodePen

I used pseudo elements, :before and :after, to create the left and right sides of the box. Since it’s a box, I styled the sides with the same dimensions as the top, using the variable $boxSize.

I was curious where :before and :after would lay before I started transforming them individually. Without telling the transform otherwise, :before and :after assumed the same transform values (in this case, skew and rotate) from the main element. Without applying each pseudo element’s own skew and rotate, I ended up creating a stack of elements.

I added an animation in the example below to show the stack of elements before I transformed them into sides.

See the Pen Simple Box, 2 by Katy DeCorah (@katydecorah) on CodePen

To create the sides, I skewed each pseudo element 45 degrees and then translated it into place. I translated each side relative to the size of the box, making the box scalable. If you adjust $boxSize, the box will happily scale to your input. I also applied a slight change of 0.025 to the translate. I found that the sides didn’t match up exactly how I liked them, so I persuaded them into place.

I added an animation in the example below to show the transform (skew and translate) used to create the sides of the box.

See the Pen Simple Box, 3 by Katy DeCorah (@katydecorah) on CodePen

I also tweaked the background for each element to take $mainColor, adjust the hue, and lighten it slightly to add dimension to the box.

And there you have it, a box.

Hooray! Box!

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